We are home again for the holidays, this time sharing a Christmas dinner with another family. For complicated interfaith and interstate reasons, we usually spend Christmas and Hanukkah with "just" the five of us. Family is too far, or don't celebrate; friends have other commitments. We try to create home-spun traditions for our kids, making each holiday special. We make latkes at least once for Hanukkah during the eight nights. For Christmas, we often plan an elaborate menu, even though it can seem a little silly to conjure up a hug feast for the few of us. It's especially silly if my dearest, say, wants to make a goose and the kids don't really appreciate it. This year we were lucky enough to land a few friends, who also happen to be interfaith and who have been similarly stranded without family for Christmas dinner. We are really looking forward to setting a holiday table with our friends, lighting the candles and cherishing our good fortune.
P.S.: Cook's Illustrated has a really good latke recipe, copied here.
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