Thursday, July 24, 2014

Welcome! is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping families make the commitment to eat dinner together on a regular basis. Blog for Family Dinner is one of our initiatives.

American families are confronted with many urgent social, economic and health challenges today, including obesity, teenage alcohol and drug use, tight budgets and time constraints. All of this is often made worse by economic concerns and feelings of disconnectedness among family and friends. Family dinner can be a solution to many of these problems. The simple act of having regular family meals has been shown time and again to have positive effects on children, teens, and their parents on a broad range of issues related to social, emotional and physical development. This blog and our social media presence on Facebook and Twitter (@eatdinner) are dedicated to sharing information and resources about how to best support parents, children, health professionals and policymakers to support more family meals for all.

Read more about our work here

Thanks for joining us!

Grace R. Freedman, Ph.D.